Before purchasing, contact us by using the form below and please provide as much information as you can.
NOTE: We don’t handle product inquiries through social media messages. Social media channels (eg: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube) are only for supporting your local businesses/ independent artists to be found on those platforms.
So, your likes and lovely comments mean the world to us!
Q:1. What specific information should I provide when contacting the artist about my questions?
A1: In the form below, there are examples provided to assist you.
Q:2. How long does it typically take for you to respond to inquiries submitted through the contact form?
A2: For the Artist enquires, 2 working days.
Q:3. Can I inquire about custom artwork or commissions through the contact form?
A3: For any other custom artwork or commissions non-related to the items of clothing available in this shop, please use the artist's website contact form.